Learn The Formula Of
An Elite EV Network That Will Attract New Customers and Tenants, Have A Positive Impact On Your Community and Increase Your Property's Value All Without…
It’s 2027 and by law, some states have already prohibited half the usage of gas-powered cars.
Electric and hybrid vehicles are high on demand and in search for EV charging stations.
Imagine maximizing your business or property’s potential and receiving a massive passive income from offering charging solutions to your clients and tenants.
It would put you ahead in the competition, right?
Maybe you want to…
Elevate Your Property's Value
Increase Your Business Productivity
Attract More Clients or Tenants
Maybe you’ve got other plans for all the extra money you are going to receive from each EV charging station.
“After joining the 3E Network for over a year, I’ve actually developed a simple and duplicatable formula that helps others increase the value of their property, gain some good extra money and lowers the driving costs of their community" ~CC
It’s Not Your Fault, other EV charging companies have never made it so
to install your own charging stations, they charge a lot of money and they leave figuring out all the design, maintenance and bill payment to you.
Without an EV network that takes care of everything and does not charge you a thing, you will miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will get you ahead in the game, upscale your business and start bringing in a passive income from something that will become
in a couple of years.
If You Do Try To Install Charging Points By Yourself You Have 2 Options…
Your project easily becomes very complex because the electric installation has to be rerouted, the electric panels have to be updated, plus the new design plans, permits and meeting the current government codes and regulations can raise the costs of installation unexpectedly.
You or the tenants will have to cover the whole installation process and regular maintenance, and hire a whole crew of qualified professionals to do all the electrical and infrastructure work required.
“The great American road trip is going to be fully electrified.”
-President Joe Biden
In 2021, President Joe Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act).
Among other promises, this historic legislation is committed to tackle the climate crisis and grow the economy sustainably.
What does this mean?
By 2030, half of all new vehicles have to be electric,
And by 2035, Biden’s executive order commands to end the sales of gas-powered vehicles in order to achieve a net-zero emissions country by 2050.
The future is electric and it’s starting to transition right now.
The sales of EV’s have risen over 60% in recent years, but the battery charging issues became one of the top concerns for most users to switch from gas to an eco-friendly option.
With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the government is investing billions of dollars in accelerating the build-out of a national network of EV charging infrastructures across the USA,
They will install 500,000 publicly accessible charging stations across the nation in the next ten years.
However, that’s not enough.
The estimation is that by that year, America will have 26.6 million EV drivers, needing around 1.2 million public EV chargers and 28 million private EV chargers to fulfill the high demand.
This is where the need for more EV networks comes right in.
This is where 3E comes in.
With the exciting growth of electric transportation, comes an exciting opportunity that I knew I just could not let pass!
You see, unlike gas cars that can be refueled until the tank is almost empty,
For EV vehicles, it’s best to not let it drop the battery below 50% - especially when doing long trips.
Drivers right now are searching for chargers everytime they park to keep their battery high and their trips on going.
So as the number of EVs grows around the country,
More drivers will be on the constant lookout for safe and accessible spots where they can stop for a couple of hours and recharge.
Just like Free Wifi, in the next couple of years, EV chargers inside your business or property will not be a luxurious bonus you can afford to not have.
Those who do not offer charging solutions, will start losing money, clients and staying behind in the competition as the future catches up.
3E has literally changed my life and the lives of my network partners, because I’ve created an opportunity that invests in the future for you and your business.
I’ve had lots of people ask me how they can get ahead from these new government mandates…
I knew I couldn’t keep this a secret anymore.
So I created the 3E NETWORK
E3 Network is for commercial property owners and owner associations that want to get EV Charging Stations for their properties, gain revenue from customers, and avoid costly payments or investments.
It would have a massively positive effect on your wallet and your community, right?
3E Network will take care of EVERYTHING. From the
initial design, permissions and infrastructure to installation and maintenance. You can simply relax and enjoy the benefits of owning an EV charging station.
Unlike other companies (and the government) that will leave you alone in the process, we’ve created an irresistible opportunity to be part of this change, install your own smart charging stations and
provide potential customers and tenants with the ability to fuel up as your wallet fuels up.
Ultimately 3E Network will dramatically reduce the costly installations, upscale your property, and quickly be part of this historic opportunity as electric transportation becomes the way of the future.
Install Type 2 charging devices that can enable up to 63 kW power for charging.
Identify and implement the correct power sources.
Build the best layout plan for the installation.
Get the infrastructure and installation done by a professional and certified electrician.
Enhance your brand and scale up your business.
Be on the map with our E3 app.
Be supported by a team of experts.
Leave all the maintenance details to the 3E Network.
Attract new customers and tenants.
Generate a passive income without having to invest a penny.
Maybe you want to have a smart charging station because you want to…
Increase Your Passive Income
Reduce Costs For Your Community
Prepare For The Future Outcome
Even rise above your competitors by offering the power of the future...
Here's The E3 NETWORK Framework…
You’re passionate about reducing your carbon print.
You want to be able to add value to your property without investing.
You're willing to maximize your EV business profit while minimizing costs.
Want to get more customers and tenants.
You're ready to finally accept that electric vehicles are the way of the future.
Deep down you know that this is going to happen anyway, so you might just run rings around the whole thing.
You are skeptical that EV charging business will work.
You are unable to seize the opportunity before you
You don’t have the requirements that need to be met for installation.
Don’t think EV chargers will benefit your business.
Aren’t willing to make an extra passive income.
What if, because you got your own charging stations installed on your property you were not only able to get ahead of the new government regulations but also reduce environmental impact and create a massive passive income.
Not even sure where to start with Yanni Fikaris. He epitomizes the notion of under-promising and over delivering. I started off thinking that I was signing up for some help with some pretty cool automated systems, and I wound up with a soup to nuts business coach. I took 2 pages of notes on our phone call today … Less than half of it had to do with automations. He has helped us realize a potential future for our business that hadn’t even crossed our minds. Thanks again man! I can’t wait to see where this ride takes us!
The reality is that in the
next ten years there will be a significant rise in the number of EVs on the road and
if you don’t apply to E3 Network now, you will be missing out on the opportunity of
earning a big revenue for the charging stations by billing customers for their use.
What The E3 Network Consists of:
Charging The World, One Car At A Time
Our first E stands for Evaluation.
We are going to evaluate the location and current requirements of your property in order to design the correct installation plans and do the necessary implementations
In the next couple of years the number of EVs on the road will have tripled…
And their drivers will be on a constant search of finding a convenient, safe and trustworthy place to charge up.
The good news for site owners is that your property might already be equipped to capitalize with the EV business.
And we want to make this transition easier for you.
The first step into joining our elite 3E network is to evaluate your location.
Your location must meet a number of pre qualifications in order for us to invest in your property,
From solid data connection, to accessibility, power sources and space capacity…
But once you are approved, we will take care of the rest..
And you will be a member of the elite 3E network.
No hidden costs, no investment, no small letters in contracts.
You’ve got the place, we’ve got the power.
Once we’ve approved your location,
An expert from our team will evaluate and execute an electrical and infrastructure inspection…
And make a process plan and execution layout that meets the necessary requirements for the installation.
Because installing multiple charging stations can sometimes require making a few changes in the property…
This will ensure that we meet all government codes and regulations,
That you have sufficient electricity flowing to support EV chargers,
And offer the safest and most accessible charging stations for future customers.
Each property is different and they need a very tailored execution plan.
From excavation to wire conduits and solar panels…
But don’t worry,
We will take care of everything too. No extra costs.
If you’re ready to power up, so are we.
Let’s stop talking about the future and start living it!
Our second E is for Energize.
In this phase we are going to make all the necessary adjustments and paperwork to install the EV chargers on your property, get our professional team out there and make the correct, safe and convenient infrastructure so you can start charging up.
After we have the detailed execution plan,
The next step is to make it happen.
Once all necessary upgrades are made,
There is a small step before getting those the chargers installed.
We need to make sure all the required permits are taken care of,
This also applies to associated taxes,
And even all state and local regulations.
These may not apply in every state, but we still take care of it.
After that we will begin the installation of your 2-level charging stations.
Let’s get this charging started!
The most common EV charging stations for commercial use are the level 2 chargers.
Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipments (EVSE) use 208/ 240-volt circuits,
This power output basically translates to 18-28 miles of range per hour of charging time.
Which means, they can charge cars five times faster than the basic chargers,
And fill most EVs from empty between 2 to 4.5 hours.
Now, installation is more than just the charging station itself.
Once the infrastructure us done,
We will also take care of the intelligent software needed to optimize this service.
With our software you are able to track, manage and costume your EV stations.
And you’ll be able to publish your location on our map for future clients to see.
Once everything is ready to go,
You can start charging for charge!
Electric Cars Are The Future, For Real This Time.
Our last E stands for Earning.
In this last phase everything is very simple. Your customers charge. You charge.
Being a part of the EV revolution now is the smart way to go.
As the electrical evolution gets even more real,
Not only will you start earning 20% profits from the charging stations,
But the EV chargers represent new customers and tenants,
Future clients spending more time and money at your location,
Or adding value to your property for future rentals,
These are just a couple of ways EV business is quite profitable - and it’s only about to get bigger.
There are already over 1.7 million EV cars on the road over the country right now,
So even if the new government implementations have not kicked in, any stations installed now will start to be profitable in no time.
The time to become a go-to charging destination is now.
As more people choose sustainability,
And the government pushes new policies and bans the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles,
It’s fair to say that EVs are the future.
As the electric transportation business grows, the demand for charging locations increases.
Over 26.4 million EVs are expected to conquer the roads in the USA by 2030.
This means the opportunity to rise above from the competition, attract more customers and clients, and triple the revenue in the next 5-10 years is unquestionable.
And those who get in the game now, will surely see the increasing benefits from being part of an EV network in the incoming years.
Keep doing what you’ve been doing, and nothing in your life will change, you will not rise above the competition and the government regulations…
You can have a call with one of our experts and get your EV charging station installed almost immediately…
We only accept a few clients at a time. Because you’re here your spot is guaranteed until 11:00 AM (when the countdown hits 00:00:00) then you may lose this opportunity forever...
About 3E Master, Christopher Craig.
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By not doing anything you risk losing out on an opportunity that could literally change your life forever…
You can make the decision to create new income streams and offer a better future for yourself, your customers and the planet… and work with the 3E Network!
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Work With The E3 Network Today!
Apply To Speak With A E3 Network Expert NOW
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I am confident that you will immediately see the value in this network. You have everything to win and nothing to lose. Literally.
I stand by my services and I know that as soon as you become part of the network you will be satisfied!
"The testimonials shown and their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money back."